Catalog of PostgreSQL queries for finding information about a PostgreSQL database and its design problems

ANDQueries of this catergory provide information about stubs (piece of code used to stand in for some other programming functionality).
ANDFrom where does the query gets its information?

There are 7 queries.

Seq nrNameGoalTypeData sourceLast updateLicense...
1CHECK constraint cardinality is zeroWrite correct constraints. Usually the constraint expression should refer to at least one column. A domain constraint expression should refer to the stub VALUE. For instance, the constraint CHECK(1=0) that is associated with a table T would prevent adding any rows to T. The value of the Boolean expression of this constraint is always FALSE.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2022-04-22 17:06MIT License
2Enumerated types with zero or one valueFidn enumerated types with zero or one value. Type is a named finite set of values. The empty set is a set. A set with one value is a set. Thus, types with zero or one value are legal. In practical terms each type, usually, should contain at least two values.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2021-02-25 17:30MIT License
3Invocation of a system-defined routine without providing any argumentsFind user-defined routines that contain an invocation of a system-defined function without providing any argument. The query considers all aggregate functions as well as some popular scalar functions.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2023-12-22 13:00MIT License
4Perhaps a routine does not have a real taskFind the routines where the only action is to return an argument value, a constant value, NULL or return the value of OLD or NEW variable in case of trigger functions.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2021-11-05 12:09MIT License
5Routines without an actionFind routines that body does not contain any action.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2021-11-05 12:14MIT License
6Tables without columnsDo not have in a database elements that are not useful. PostgreSQL permits tables with no columns. Such tables can be used to implement Boolean variables (tables TABLE_DEE and TABLE_DUM). On the other hand, such tables might be a result of database evolution, where developers have not noticed that they have dropped all the columns of a table or have not noticed that they have created such a table in the first place.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2021-02-25 17:29MIT License
7User-defined non-trigger routines without parametersFind user-defined non-trigger routines with no parameters.GeneralINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2021-11-03 20:05MIT License