Catalog of PostgreSQL queries for finding information about a PostgreSQL database and its design problems

ANDFrom where does the query gets its information?

There are 961 queries.

Seq nrNameGoalTypeData sourceLast updateLicense...
321Domain declares the same default value for multiple independent foreign keysFind domains that declare a default value and that are used in case of multiple foreign key constraints that point to different tables. Domains should be used in a manner that does not cause unnecessary coupling of concerns. For instance, let us assume that columns client_state_type_code of table Client (that is used to implement the relationship with table Client_state_type) and worker_state_type_code of table Worker (that is used to implement the relationship with table Worker_state_type) have been defined based on the same domain. It the domain has a default value, then it determines the initial state of both clients and workers. However, it must be possible to determine the initial state independently in case of clients and workers.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2021-02-25 17:29MIT License
322Domain name and type name are the sameUse different names to avoid confusion.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2021-02-25 17:30MIT License
323Do not assume you must use files (based on user data)Find cases where you store images and other media as files outside the database and store in the database only paths to the files.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2021-03-10 12:58MIT License
324Do not create user-defined routines that have the same name as some installed extension routineAvoid creating user-defined routines that have the same name as some extension routine because it may cause confusion.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2021-10-25 16:14MIT License
325Do not format comma-separated lists (based on user data)Find, based on the data that users have recoreded in a database, cases where a multi-valued attribute in a conceptual data model is implemented as a textual column of a base table. Expected values in the column are strings that contain attribute values, separated by commas or other separation characters.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2021-03-12 15:02MIT License
326Do not leave out referential constraints (based on composite keys)Try to find missing foreign key constraints. Find columns of base tables that are not covered by any foreign key constraint but belong to a composite key, do not have an associated sequence generator, and have a name that refers to the possibility that these are used to record some kind of codes or id's. Moreover, there must be at least one other base table that has a column with the same name. Such strategy would find missing constraints in tables that implement many-to-many relationship types but which that are not complete "islands" in terms of missing foreign key constraints.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2021-10-31 19:21MIT License
327Do not leave out the referential constraints (based on adjacency list design)Try to find missing foreign key constraints. Find non-key and non-foreign key columns of base tables that do not have an associated sequence generator, and that name refers to the possibility that the column holds parent identifiers.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2021-03-18 11:13MIT License
328Do not leave out the referential constraints (based on classifiers)Find non-key and non-foreign columns of base tables with a textual column and small field size in case of which there is a table with the name that is similar to the column name. Perhaps the table is a classifier table and the column should have a foreign key constraint referencing to the table.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2021-03-18 11:14MIT License
329Do not leave out the referential constraints (based on column names)Try to find missing foreign key constraints. Find columns of base tables that are not a part of any primary key, unique, and foreign key constraint, do not have an associated sequence generator, but have a name that reffers to the possibility that these are used to record some kind of codes or id's.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2023-11-26 16:35MIT License
330Do not leave out the referential constraints (based on column names) (2)Try to find missing foreign key constraints. Find columns of base tables that are not a part of any primary key, unique, and foreign key constraint, but have a name that reffers to the possibility that these are used to record references to a user. Exclude columns that have the default value CURRENT_USER or SESSION_USER.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2023-12-30 10:29MIT License
331Do not leave out the referential constraints (pairs of tables)Try to find missing foreign key constraints. Find pairs of base table columns that have the similar name, perhaps the same type, and that are not associated through a foreign key relationship.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2021-02-25 17:29MIT License
332Do not refer to the table schema in the references to columnsFind routines where in SELECT or UPDATE statements references to columns are prefixed with references to the table schema. Referring to schema in this context bloats the code.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2021-11-04 17:32MIT License
333Do not specify a list of values in a table column definitionFind cases where the list of valid data values in the column is specified in the column definition (in addition to specifying the type of the column) by using, for instance, check constraints or enumerated types. The check constraint is either associated directly with a table or is associated with a domain.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2022-06-09 14:30MIT License
334Do not use approach that one size fits all (primary key columns)Find base base tables have the simple primary key that contains the column with the (case insensitive) name id and an integer type. In addition, the primary key values are generated automatically by the system by using a sequence generator.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2023-03-18 20:58MIT License
335Do not use approach that one size fits all (unique index columns)Find base base tables have a simple unique index (not associated with a constraint) that contains the column with the (case insensitive) name id and an integer type. In addition, the key values are generated automatically by the system by using a sequence generator.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2023-01-07 15:12MIT License
336Double checking of the maximum character lengthDo not duplicate code. In this case a CHECK constraint duplicates the restriction that is already enforced with the help of the declaration of the maximum field size (for instance, VARCHAR(100)).Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2023-11-18 13:27MIT License
337Double negatives in Boolean expressionsWrite code that is simple to understand and not confusing. A double negative is a grammatical construction occurring when two forms of negation are used in the same expression ( Double negatives in Boolean expressions make it more difficult to understand and maintain the code.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2021-02-25 17:29MIT License
338Double negatives in regular expressionsFing regular expression patterns that use [^\S] instead of \s or [^\D] instead of \d or [^\W] instead of \w.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2023-11-09 12:01MIT License
339Duplicate check of empty stringsFind columns that have a check that prevents the empty string in the column but there is already another check on the column that enforces the constraint. If there is a constraint description!~'^[[:space:]]*$', then it covers the constraint description!='' and the latter becomes redundant.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2021-12-19 15:08MIT License
340Duplicate commentsFind comments that have been registered with a COMMENT statement and that are associated with more than one object. It would probably mean that a comment is incorrect or missing.Problem detectionINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2023-03-16 20:33MIT License