The list of all the queries

Patterns of the Boolean expressions of simple CHECK constraints

Query goal: Find patterns of the Boolean expressions of simple CHECK constraints (involve only one column). Do not solve the same task in different places differently. The same rule could be implemented with CHECK constraints that have different Boolean expressions. "If you do something a certain way, do all similar things in the same way." (Robert C. Martin, Clean Code)
Notes about the query: The query considers only CHECK constraints that are associated with exactly one column. The query also considers constraints that are associated with a column through a domain.
Query type: General (Overview of some aspect of the database.)
Query license: MIT License
Data source: INFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog
SQL query: Click on query to copy it

o.conname AS constraint_name,
c.relname AS table_name, 
(SELECT a.attname FROM pg_attribute a WHERE a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.attnum = o.conkey[1] AND a.attisdropped = false) AS column_name,
substring(pg_get_constraintdef(o.oid),7) as consrc
FROM pg_constraint o INNER JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = o.conrelid
WHERE o.contype = 'c' AND cardinality(o.conkey)=1
UNION ALL SELECT cc.constraint_name, cdu.table_name, cdu.column_name, regexp_replace(cc.check_clause, '^([(])(.*)([)])$','\2') AS check_clause
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables AS t USING (table_schema, table_name)) INNER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.domain_constraints AS dc
USING (domain_schema, domain_name)) INNER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.check_constraints AS cc
USING (constraint_catalog, constraint_schema, constraint_name)
WHERE t.table_type='BASE TABLE' AND cc.check_clause NOT LIKE '%IS NOT NULL'  AND 
cdu.table_schema NOT IN (SELECT schema_name
WHERE schema_name<>'public' AND
schema_owner='postgres' AND catalog_name IS NOT NULL AND schema_name IS NOT NULL)),
checks_pattern AS (
select replace(consrc,'('|| column_name,'(VALUE') AS pattern
FROM checks)
SELECT pattern, Count(*) AS number_of_occurrences
FROM checks_pattern
GROUP BY pattern

Collections where the query belongs to

Collection nameCollection description
Find problems by overviewQueries that results point to different aspects of database that might have problems. A human reviewer has to decide based on the results as to whether there are problems or not .

Categories where the query belongs to

Category nameCategory description
CHECK constraintsQueries of this category provide information about CHECK constraints.
Comfortability of database evolutionQueries of this category provide information about the means that influence database evolution.
InconsistenciesQueries of this catergory provide information about inconsistencies of solving the same problem in different places.

Reference materials for further reading

The corresponding code smell in case of cleaning code is "G11: Inconsistency". (Robert C. Martin, Clean Code)

The list of all the queries