Query goal: | Find all enumerated types. |
Query type: | General (Overview of some aspect of the database.) |
Query license: | MIT License |
Data source: | INFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog |
SQL query: | Click on query to copy it
SELECT nspname AS type_schema, typname, array_agg(enumlabel ORDER BY enumsortorder) AS values, (SELECT string_agg(ns.nspname || '.' || cl.relname || '.' || at.attname, ';<br>' ORDER BY nspname, relname, attname) AS s FROM pg_attribute AS at INNER JOIN pg_class AS cl ON at.attrelid=cl.oid INNER JOIN pg_namespace AS ns ON cl.relnamespace=ns.oid WHERE at.atttypid=t.oid AND cl.relkind='r') AS columns FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_enum e ON t.oid=e.enumtypid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid=t.typnamespace WHERE nspname NOT IN (SELECT schema_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.schemata WHERE schema_name<>'public' AND schema_owner='postgres' AND schema_name IS NOT NULL) AND typtype='e' GROUP BY t.oid, nspname, typname ORDER BY nspname, typname; |
Collection name | Collection description |
Find problems about base tables | A selection of queries that return information about the data types, field sizes, default values as well as general structure of base tables. Contains all the types of queries - problem detection, software measure, and general overview |
Find problems by overview | Queries that results point to different aspects of database that might have problems. A human reviewer has to decide based on the results as to whether there are problems or not . |
Category name | Category description |
Data types | Queries of this category provide information about the data types and their usage. |
User-defined types | Queries of this category provide information about user-defined types in the database. |
Reference |
https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/datatype-enum.html |