The list of all the queries

Perhaps the type of a base table column/domain should be INTEGER/SMALLINT/BIGINT (based on sequence generators)

Query goal: Specify for each column/domain a right data type that takes into account expected values in the column/domain. Find base table columns and domains that refer to the nextval function by using the default value mechanism but do not have the type INTEGER, SMALLINT, or BIGINT. This check is performed in case of identity columns: ERROR: identity column type must be smallint, integer, or bigint.
Query type: Problem detection (Each row in the result could represent a flaw in the design)
Query reliability: High (Few or no false-positive results)
Query license: MIT License
Fixing suggestion: Change the data type to integer, smallint, or bigint or drop the default value.
Data source: INFORMATION_SCHEMA only
SQL query: Click on query to copy it

WITH columns AS (SELECT A.table_schema AS schema, A.table_name, A.column_name AS object, A.data_type, a.column_default AS default_value, 'COLUMN' AS object_type
FROM information_schema.columns A INNER JOIN information_schema.schemata S ON A.table_schema=S.schema_name
WHERE A.column_default ILIKE '%nextval%'
AND A.data_type NOT IN ('smallint','integer','bigint')
AND (A.table_schema = 'public'
OR S.schema_owner<>'postgres')
AND (table_schema, table_name) IN (SELECT table_schema, table_name
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_type='BASE TABLE')),
domains AS (SELECT D.domain_schema AS schema, NULL AS table_name, D.domain_name AS object, D.data_type, D.domain_default AS default_value, 'DOMAIN' AS object_type
FROM D INNER JOIN information_schema.schemata S ON D.domain_schema=S.schema_name
WHERE D.domain_default ILIKE '%nextval%'
AND D.data_type NOT IN ('smallint','integer','bigint')
AND (D.domain_schema = 'public'
OR S.schema_owner<>'postgres'))
SELECT schema, table_name, object, object_type, data_type, default_value
FROM columns
UNION SELECT schema, table_name, object, object_type, data_type, default_value
FROM domains
ORDER BY schema, object_type, object;

SQL statements for generating SQL statements that help us to fix the problem

SQL queryDescription
SELECT format('ALTER TABLE %1$I.%2$I ALTER COLUMN %3$I DROP DEFAULT;', A.table_schema, A.table_name, A.column_name) AS statements
FROM information_schema.columns A INNER JOIN information_schema.schemata S
ON A.table_schema=S.schema_name
WHERE A.column_default LIKE 'nextval%'
AND A.data_type NOT IN ('smallint','integer','bigint')
AND (A.table_schema = 'public'
OR S.schema_owner<>'postgres')
AND (A.table_schema, A.table_name) IN (SELECT table_schema, table_name
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_type='BASE TABLE')
ORDER BY A.table_schema, A.table_name, A.column_name;
Drop the default that is associated directly with the base table column.
SELECT format('ALTER DOMAIN %1$I.%2$I DROP DEFAULT;', D.domain_schema, D.domain_name) AS statements
FROM D INNER JOIN information_schema.schemata S ON D.domain_schema=S.schema_name
WHERE D.domain_default LIKE 'nextval%'
AND D.data_type NOT IN ('smallint','integer','bigint')
AND (D.domain_schema = 'public'
OR S.schema_owner<>'postgres')
ORDER BY domain_schema, domain_name;
Drop the default that is associated with the domain.

Collections where the query belongs to

Collection nameCollection description
Find problems about base tablesA selection of queries that return information about the data types, field sizes, default values as well as general structure of base tables. Contains all the types of queries - problem detection, software measure, and general overview
Find problems automaticallyQueries, that results point to problems in the database. Each query in the collection produces an initial assessment. However, a human reviewer has the final say as to whether there is a problem or not .

Categories where the query belongs to

Category nameCategory description
Data typesQueries of this category provide information about the data types and their usage.
Default valueQueries of this catergory provide information about the use of default values.
Sequence generatorsQueries of this category provide information about sequence generators and their usage.
Validity and completenessQueries of this category provide information about whether database design represents the world (domain) correctly (validity) and whether database design captures all the information about the world (domain) that is correct and relevant (completeness).

The list of all the queries