The list of all the queries

Base table column name is the same as its domain name

Query goal: Find base table columns that have the same name as the domain name or the data type name of the column. The names may have different uppercase/lowercase characters. Columns, domains, and types are different concepts in SQL and perhaps it is better to use different names in case of these.
Query type: Problem detection (Each row in the result could represent a flaw in the design)
Query reliability: Low (Many false-positive results)
Query license: MIT License
Fixing suggestion: Rename the column or domain. Use a prefix in the domain name.
Data source: INFORMATION_SCHEMA only
SQL query: Click on query to copy it

SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name, data_type, domain_name, domain_schema
WHERE (table_schema, table_name) IN (SELECT table_schema, table_name
AND (column_name ILIKE domain_name OR column_name ILIKE data_type)
AND table_schema NOT IN (SELECT schema_name
WHERE schema_name<>'public' AND
schema_owner='postgres' AND schema_name IS NOT NULL)
ORDER BY table_schema, table_name, ordinal_position;

Categories where the query belongs to

Category nameCategory description
DomainsQueries of this category provide information about reusable specifications of column properties.
NamingQueries of this category provide information about the style of naming.

The list of all the queries