The list of all the queries

Perhaps a CHECK constraint about the combination of truth values is missing

Query goal: Find base tables that have at least two columns that have Boolean type and have at least one Boolean column that is not covered by a CHECK constraint involving more than one Boolean column. The Boolean columns possibly mean that we want to record data about states. Often the states depend on each other. For instance, if an order is archived it must be inactive.
Query type: Problem detection (Each row in the result could represent a flaw in the design)
Query reliability: Low (Many false-positive results)
Query license: MIT License
Fixing suggestion: Define check constraints that enforce the dependencies between the states.
Data source: INFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog
SQL query: Click on query to copy it

o.conname AS constraint_name,
n.nspname AS target_schema,
c.relname AS target_table, 
c.oid AS target_table_oid,
o.conkey AS target_col
FROM pg_constraint o INNER JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = o.conrelid
INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace=n.oid
WHERE o.contype = 'c'  
AND c.relkind = 'r'
AND cardinality(o.conkey)>1),

chk_unnest AS (SELECT target_schema, target_table, target_table_oid, target_col, target_col_num, constraint_name
FROM chk, unnest(chk.target_col) WITH ORDINALITY AS f(target_col_num, ordin)),

chk_with_names AS (SELECT target_schema, target_table, a_target.attname AS target_col,
CASE WHEN t.typtype='d' THEN 
CASE WHEN bt.typcategory='A' THEN translate(bt.typname,'_','') || '(ARRAY)' ELSE bt.typname END
CASE WHEN t.typcategory='A' THEN translate(t.typname,'_','') || '(ARRAY)' 
WHEN t.typcategory='C' THEN t.typname || '(USER-DEFINED)'
ELSE t.typname END
END AS data_type,
FROM chk_unnest chk INNER JOIN  pg_attribute a_target ON chk.target_col_num = a_target.attnum AND chk.target_table_oid = a_target.attrelid AND a_target.attisdropped = false
INNER JOIN pg_type AS t ON a_target.atttypid=t.oid
LEFT JOIN pg_type AS bt ON t.typbasetype=bt.oid),

chk_bool AS (SELECT target_schema, target_table, target_col
FROM chk_with_names
WHERE data_type='bool'
FROM chk_with_names AS cwn
WHERE chk_with_names.target_schema=cwn.target_schema
AND chk_with_names.target_table=cwn.target_table
AND chk_with_names.constraint_name=cwn.constraint_name
AND cwn.data_type<>'bool')),

bool_cols AS (SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name, data_type
WHERE (data_type='boolean')
AND table_type='BASE TABLE'
AND table_schema NOT IN (SELECT schema_name
WHERE schema_name<>'public' AND
schema_owner='postgres' AND schema_name IS NOT NULL)),

multiple_bool_cols AS (SELECT table_schema, table_name
FROM bool_cols
GROUP BY table_schema, table_name
HAVING Count(*)>1)

SELECT table_schema, table_name, string_agg(column_name, ';<br>' ORDER BY column_name) AS not_covered_columns, Count(*) AS nr_of_not_covered_cols
FROM bool_cols AS b
FROM multiple_bool_cols AS m
WHERE b.table_schema=m.table_schema
AND b.table_name=m.table_name)
FROM chk_bool AS ch
WHERE b.table_schema=ch.target_schema
AND b.table_name=ch.target_table
AND b.column_name=ch.target_col)
GROUP BY table_schema, table_name
ORDER BY table_schema, table_name, Count(*) DESC;

Collections where the query belongs to

Collection nameCollection description
Find problems about integrity constraintsA selection of queries that return information about the state of integrity constraints in the datadabase. Contains all the types of queries - problem detection, software measure, and general overview

Categories where the query belongs to

Category nameCategory description
Boolean dataQueries of this category provide information about truth-values data that is kept in the database.
CHECK constraintsQueries of this category provide information about CHECK constraints.
Validity and completenessQueries of this category provide information about whether database design represents the world (domain) correctly (validity) and whether database design captures all the information about the world (domain) that is correct and relevant (completeness).

The list of all the queries