Palun lugege sellest raamatust esimese peatüki osi My Approach ja The Black Box Approach.
Jah, seal kiidetakse muuhulgas Oraclet. Võtke seda kergelt, sest ka mitmed teised andmebaasisüsteemid (sh PostgreSQL) on sama võimekad. Kuid seal kirjeldatav üldine andmebaasirakenduste loomise mõtteviis on selline, mida pean mõistlikuks ja millest lähtun ka käesolevas kursuses.
Põhimõte on, et hea andmebaasirakenduse loomiseks tuleks tunda ja kasutada andmebaasisüsteemide pakutavaid võimalusi. Lisan siia lõppu tsitaadi raamatust, mida ma tõlkima ei hakka. Viidatud osades tuuakse mõned ilmekad näited selle kohta, kuidas rakenduse arendajate poolne andmebaasi/andmebaasisüsteemi musta kastina vaatamine viis halbade tulemusteni.
My point about the power of database features is not a criticism of tools or technologies like Hibernate, EJBs, and container-managed persistence. It is a criticism of purposely remaining ignorant of the database and how it works and how to use it. The technologies used in this case worked well—after the developers got some insight into the database itself.
The bottom line is that the database is typically the cornerstone of your application. If it does not work well, nothing else really matters. If you have a black box and it does not work, what are you going to do about it? About the only thing you can do is look at it and wonder why it is not working very well. You can’t fix it, you can’t tune it. Quite simply, you do not understand how it works—and you made the decision to be in this position. The alternative is the approach that I advocate: understand your database, know how it works, know what it can do for you, and use it to its fullest potential.
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