Catalog of PostgreSQL queries for finding information about a PostgreSQL database and its design problems

ANDFrom where does the query gets its information?

There are 961 queries.

Seq nrNameGoalTypeData sourceLast updateLicense...
901All foreign tablesFind all foreign tables.GeneralINFORMATION_SCHEMA only2020-11-06 15:20MIT License
902All declaratively partitioned tablesFind partitioned tables that have been implemented by using the declarative approach. Declarative partitioning is implemented in PostgreSQL starting from PostgreSQL 10.GeneralINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2020-11-06 15:13MIT License
903All CHECK constraints of domains that are not associated with any tableFind all CHECK constraints (except NOT NULL) of domains that are not associated with any column.GeneralINFORMATION_SCHEMA only2020-11-06 14:51MIT License
904All gin indexesFind indexes with less common access methods. Gin indexes are, for instance, used to speed up PostgreSQL's built in full text search.GeneralINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2020-11-06 14:51MIT License
905All parameters with DEFAULT valuesFind parameters of user-defined routines that have a default value.GeneralINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2020-11-06 14:51MIT License
906All partial indexesFind indexes to a subset of table rows.GeneralINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2020-11-06 14:51MIT License
907All sequence generatorsFind all sequence generators.GeneralINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2020-11-06 14:51MIT License
908All system-defined TOAST-able typesFind system-defined types in case of which the system can use the TOAST technique, i.e., save the value in a compressed form or store it in a automatically-created secondary table, which is hidden from the database user (TOAST table).Generalsystem catalog base tables only2020-11-06 14:51MIT License
909All user-defined TOAST-able typesFind user-defined types in case of which the system can use the TOAST technique, i.e., save the value in a compressed form or store it in a automatically-created secondary table, which is hidden from the database user (TOAST table).Generalsystem catalog base tables only2020-11-06 14:51MIT License
910AND takes precedence over ORMake sure that Boolean expressions take into account precedence rules of Boolean operators. AND operator has precedence over OR operator.GeneralINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2020-11-06 14:51MIT License
911Base table columns for storing username, password, and saltFind base table columns that name refers to the possibility that these are used to register usernames, passwords, and salt. Password should not be open text. It should be a hash value that has been hashed by using salt.GeneralINFORMATION_SCHEMA only2020-11-06 14:51MIT License
912Base table columns where TOASTing is possibleFind all base table columns in case of which the system can use TOAST technique.Generalsystem catalog base tables only2020-11-06 14:51MIT License
913Base table columns where TOAST-ing strategy has been changedFind base table columns in case of which the system can use TOAST technique (due to the data type of the column) and where the toasting strategy has been changed so that it is different than the default strategy determined by the type. Make sure that the new strategy is optimal.Generalsystem catalog base tables only2020-11-06 14:51MIT License
914Base table columns with a composite typeFind base table columns with a composite type. Think through as to whether a column with a composite type could be replaced with a separate table.Generalsystem catalog base tables only2020-11-06 14:51MIT License
915Base table columns with an array typeFind base table columns with an array type. Think through as to whether a column with an array type could be replaced with a separate table.GeneralINFORMATION_SCHEMA+system catalog base tables2020-11-06 14:51MIT License
916Base table columns with CHAR(n) or VARCHAR(n) typeFind base table columns with CHAR(n) or VARCHAR(n) type and make sure that n is not too big or too small. Also make sure that you do not use CHAR(n) in case of columns that have to keep variable length strings. "Values of type character are physically padded with spaces to the specified width n, and are stored and displayed that way" ( only2020-11-06 14:51MIT License
917Base table columns with CITEXT typeFind base table columns with CITEXT type and make sure that case insensitivity is really needed in case of this column.Generalsystem catalog base tables only2020-11-06 14:51MIT License
918Base table columns with DECIMAL (p, s) or NUMERIC (p, s) typeFind base table columns with DECIMAL (p, s) or NUMERIC (p, s) type and make sure that precision p and scale s are not too big or too small.GeneralINFORMATION_SCHEMA only2020-11-06 14:51MIT License
919Base table columns with one of the following types: BIGINT, INTEGER, TEXT, or VARCHAR without max character lengthEach column should have the most appropriate data type. Developers sometimes misuse BIGINT, INTEGER, TEXT or VARCHAR type in places where a type that permits smaller values would be more appropriate and semantically descriptive.GeneralINFORMATION_SCHEMA only2020-11-06 14:51MIT License
920Base table columns with SMALLINT or BOOLEAN typeEach column should have the most appropriate data type. Developers sometimes forget to use SMALLINT type even if it is logically the best choice. Developers also sometimes forget to use BOOLEAN type and instead invent something.GeneralINFORMATION_SCHEMA only2020-11-06 14:51MIT License